
The purpose of the school uniform is to support the values and beliefs of St. Joseph Regional Catholic School and reflect its mission. The school uniform reflects a common desire for an academic environment, creates a sense of school pride and unity, and communicates respect for self and others. Cooperation with the school uniform code is expected.

Clothes should be neat and clean at all times. No item of clothing may be frayed, have holes, or be overly baggy or tight. The building temperature often varies; therefore, students should wear a uniform sweater, jacket, or pullover with a logo to school.

For complete details, click this link.

Students are expected to enter the school building wearing the proper uniform and remain in uniform until they are off campus at the end of the day or are given permission to change for an after-school activity.


Our Uniform Room is open! Please stop by the school office to shop at our gently-used uniform store. Each item is only $3.00 -$5.00

If you have extra or unused uniforms, please donate them to the Uniform Room. Items should be dropped off in the school office. Remember, we accept clean uniforms and spirit wear in good condition only.

LAND’S END. How to order from LAND’S END School Uniforms Parents trust & students love link